Tied Down Dreams

by Fig   Dec 12, 2005

(Read the first four lines of each stanza in a long stream like thing. They are meant to flow on, and the last two lines of each stanza rhymes with the one before (in sets of twos), but I'm sure your all intelligent enough to notice that, oh and its about dreams and how their never happy)

What is this whirled world
Dark edges torn and curled
Old faded scroll unfurled
And as its spin, flung, hurled
Another crack

Read it like you'd drink
Hot poison, bottles chink
Antique and dipped in ink
Dark colors on the brink
Of being black
Like tears

This mad map of my mind
In ink-night you will find
It blind you from behind
And it will slowly bind
With bloody ropes
Your soul

Then set you free to soar
Don't fly too high, for you're
Still anchored in that gore
That ties you to the floor
Just grounded hopes
Not whole

But strain with broken wings
For freedom to great things
But still your captor sings
His tune of fearsome stings
From taunting lips
Of lies

Next night, next dream awakes
Fantastical new stakes
Which? Wits or body breaks
For its companion's sakes
It trips
And dies


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  • 17 years ago

    by Flying Phoenix

    How do you do it? Damit you're too amazing lucy!!! I don't think I can say anything about it except I'm still in awe. Keep writing them though girl, we haven't enough...

  • 18 years ago

    by Daenerys Stormborn

    Whoa! That was intense, great poem. Very dark and powerful. Rolls of the tongue nicely hah. You've got skills

  • 18 years ago

    by Navy Blue Heart

    Oooh *shivers* i love it! I hope not all your dreams are like this though my little Turnip :(

  • 18 years ago

    by mier

    This is freaking awesome!!! u SO deserve more than 5!! i think this is my favourite poem among all ur other poems... Great job!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Navy Blue Heart

    Oh my goodness Lu! This poem reminded me of that dream you had about the giant puppet!!!!! ARGH!!! Do you remember that???