
by Nelle   Jun 20, 2006

Life is full of little hidden secrets
But the key is, to figure them out
You want to know something so bad
But yet you look over it without a doubt

Sometimes things you want to know
Are right in front of you
But most times you miss them
Because your looking for something more

Stop searching for things that aren't there
Keep your eyes open to your surroundings
If you want to know something let it come to you
Don't follow it around

All things come together in the end
Things you have always wanted to know will come out
Give it time, keep your heart open
Love what you got, and always remember what you had

Don't stay in the past
Or live for the future
Live for now, and enjoy it while you got it
For you never know when it's your last


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  • 17 years ago

    by Jessica

    Now this one, i liked! the message was really good and strong.. my favourite was the last stanza.. those phrases are amazing.. nice job! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Darien

    "But yet you look over it without a doubt"
    [Yet you look at it without a doubt]
    I thought that sounded better.
    (When you use but and yet together, it causes a contradiction.

    I really loved the first stanza, just fix it up, and it will be amazing.
    The rest of the poem was rather good. Keep on writing!

  • 17 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    Ture that! lol This was a really good poem.

  • 17 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    Good message, but I think you need to work on your rhythm, particularly considering how much longer some of the lines are than others. If you need to, don't constrict yourself to quatrains, move on to bigger stanzas, but I'd figure out a rhythm scheme that works for you.

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