Gods' Will.

by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   Aug 23, 2006

-Gods' Will-

The bombs of yesterday, pulsing in my ears,
the mechanical soldiers of today, going away for years.
Lives on the line, deaths all around,
slipping in and out of bombs, implanted in the ground.

Cities up in smoke, children fleeing from the empty streets,
warcrafts armed and ready, gathering in fleets.
With a gun slung over his arm, he wipes the sweat off of his brow,
lowers his head in misery, remembering his vow.

Fighting for his country, a man of honor,
tears falling down, encrusting to his armor.
He gets down on his knees, prays to the almighty lord,
and as he said "Amen", the skies heavily roared.

Planes falling from every which way he turned,
pilots up in smoke, falling as they burned.
Lives are ending, hearts are slain,
and he remembered his words so vain.

He told his wife and kids he'd return again someday,
and now for his family, he did pray.
he sprints across the field, running for his life,
and at the bang, all he heard was the voice of his wife.

She told him she loved him, and she would see him again,
But the only place she saw him was the news on channel ten.
Her eyes shot open, her heart skipped a beat,
her husband had just died in defeat.

She took the kids to her sisters, told her to take care of them for a while,
kissed them all good-bye with but one last smile.
She went home and layed upon her bed,
took her husbands' gun, and put it to her head.

The tears rolled down, as her eyes shut tight,
and she knew in no time that everything would be alright.
For thy heavenly father, in all of his grace,
will rejoin the lovers, with a smile on his face.

And written in blood, was her good-bye,
to her children who could see her in the sky.
Heaven gained another angel today, one by the name of Jill,
and it all came together, with the help of Gods' will.

© Jenna Elphick
August 22, 2006.


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  • 17 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    Thanks for entering my thread. Your critique is done, hope I've helped. Keep on writing girl!

  • 17 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    Really good poem! You are quite the story teller, and it flowed really well together, too! Great job :)

  • 17 years ago

    by XxSilentScreamXx

    Amazing poem. I really like it. Good job.