Satan\'s Queen

by aisyned   Jan 27, 2007

In the darkness,
i walk alone,
only one thought,
i am finally rid of home,

I here someone behind me,
but when i turn no one is there,
then i stop,
and something or one plays with my hair,

i feel me turning white,
i turn and see black hair with red eyes,
he slowly says,
at one time everyone dies,

i try to move my legs but they won't work,
i am his prey a helpless mouse,
he is a snake,
ready to bring me to his house,

He Say's i am a demon,
and you are one to,
i say without thinking,
who sent you,

he laughs wickedly,
and replies Satan of course,
i try to talk,
but my voice becomes hoarse,

he says follow me,
we shall wonder through hell,
i simply went,
just like i was under a spell,

he held my hand,
it fell so warm and made me feel safe and secure,
and he walks up to a person who looks in total control,
bows and says master i have brought her,

this man smiles,
and when he does my knees buckle and i fall,
and next thing i know,
i am changed to a wall,

i open my eyes,
everything is a blur,
and the only thought that runs through my head,
is master i brought her,

suddenly a whip goes across my stomach,
i cry out in pain,
and my tears,
pour out like rain,

i recognize the wicked laugh,
and when my vision clears it was the man i trusted,
he is holding the whip,
i feel so exhausted,

he slashes it again,
and i cry out louder then before,
he comes over and whispers,
you are now the devils wh***,

finally i realize who the guy was who he called his master,
it was the devil himself and i was a target,
now trusting him,
i do regret,

he then takes a knife and writes 666 on my arms,
i cry out in pain but no one appears,
he wickedly laughs,
and causes me more tears,

He takes of the shackles i fall to the floor,
i am weak and fragile and helpless,
and ,
i am wearing a black dress,

he yanks me up,
and walks me back to Satan,
he lets me go,
and Satan takes my hand,

i feel all this power,
rush through my body,
like medicine,
healing my agony,

Satan forces me on a chair,
which now i do is my throne,
and upon my head,
places a crown,

he says you are my queen,
a ruler of hell,
and then i looked forward,
and all these hurt people,
begin to kneel,

i finally get used to it,
i am now strong,
and that guy brought me happiness,
when i thought he brought me pain but i was wrong,

a devil's servant,
and now mine,
and now i am Satan's queen,
and we are strong when our hands entwine..........................

by,Denysia Chapman-Madden


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  • 17 years ago

    by Antithesis

    Great poem.i love it.nothing more i can say.