Silently Screaming

by TinyDancer46   May 18, 2007

They look in my direction
But they don't see a thing...
They're blinded to the endless tears
That nighttime seems to bring

The days are just as empty
Still a nightmare as I wake...
Spent by fooling everyone
With happiness I fake

And there's so much I'd die to say
But fail to find the words
I'm screaming on the inside...
Yet I cannot be heard


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Latest Comments

  • 11 years ago

    by kavitha jesson

    Too good....

  • 12 years ago

    by Rihanna

    I love this poem it so sad
    I can relate to(:

    I'm screaming in the inside...
    Yet I cannot be heard

    ^^ I love that part so sad

    Just amazging your poems


  • 13 years ago

    by andi

    Omg tht was frikin awesum good job

  • 15 years ago

    by Spider Monkey

    I'm sorry you feel like this.
    I wish I could make you feel better.
    This poem is very moving, I love it.
    As i love all your poems.
    Thank you for writing them.
    And thank God for putting you here.



  • 16 years ago

    by Blah Blah Blahhhh

    I really like this one... I kan relate.. Well written..

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