Ugly Beauty [CinqTroisDecaLa Rhyme]

by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   Aug 27, 2007

Blonde hair and bright eyes colored in a shade of vibrant blue -
She does all of the petty things that she`s expected to do,
And she`s got a heart that is plated in the rarest form of gold;
But her masqueraded act is getting just a little old.
Tracing her lips, she breathes in the memories she put to shame;
But she grew a sturdy spine and changed her motives, changed her game;
She`s just another beautiful face with a pin-thin model frame:
Her lies are all one-sided, you can see them all right through;
But she fights for her reputation with what poise she can hold -
And the ugly beauty beating through her charcoal heart is to blame.

-Jenna Elphick
August 27, 2007

The CinqTroisDecaLa Rhyme, a form created by Laura Lamarca, consisting of one 10-lined stanza. The rhyme scheme for this form is AABBCCCABC and a syllable count of each line is 15.


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  • 16 years ago

    by firexdancer

    This is really true and relatable, that's one reason why it's so appealing and beautiful to read. 4/5