Poems by Emma

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  • Oh no, you've done it again,
    Congratulations, you've pulled me in...

  • I told myself never again,
    Yet here I am holding this pen...

  • I remember the day we got that call,
    My mother gathered us around and told us all...

  • Everyone says shes got it all,
    Everyone says she's a perfect little doll...

  • Wow, is this day finally here?
    Has it really been a whole year...

  • I don't think you realize what you've done.
    I'm in darkness, there is no sun...

  • I turn and look you in the face,
    Taking in your warm embrace...

  • We planted a seed,
    Ignoring how much it would need...

  • I miss the way you touched my hair,
    I miss the way you'd always care...