Poems by Walter

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  • I follow my footprints, where we first met
    And they stop in front of yours on the beach...

  • When I no longer yearn, to read a new book
    Nor want to travel, for my eyes to look...

  • Don't play with fire, my mother always said
    I wish I had listened, but now I just dread...

  • The first time I saw you, you smiled with your...
    And I think from this moment, I was mesmerized...

  • This is a love story about a crystal and a quartz
    He was very fond of her and decided they should...

  • I just close my eyes for you to appear
    Your image always instantly ignites...

  • Like the key to my door unlocks, the comforts in...
    Like the aroma of a home cooked meal, that...

  • Beneath the tree which still stands
    Our initials once etched in the bark...

  • Love paints your picture where ever I look
    Within nature you're never hard to find...

  • Though we are silent 
    A message conveys...

  • This is a love story about Simon and Yvette
    One day they'll fall in love but it hasn't...

  • I miss you in the summer as sunsets hypnotize
    I miss you in the winter our warmth in stormy...