Adam Murphy

About Adam Murphy

Just word play

Profile of Adam Murphy

  • Age : 35
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, California
  • Joined : Sep 19, 2004
  • Last Visit : 1 month ago
  • Poems : 54
  • Comments : 52
  • Quotes : 1
  • Posts : 7
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Adam Murphy

  • My heart ablaze, a raging fire,
    Within me burns a fierce desire...

  • Smile (3) 4

    She asked for me to smile today
    I'll admit I was caught off guard...

  • Nihilist (4) 2

    Does it matter?
    Do I care...

  • Sunset (4)

    Words of fire fill the air
    Old friends exchanging glares...

  • Relax (2) 2

    I want to hear you whisper
    Put your lips to my ear...

Latest Quotes By Adam Murphy

  • Life is but a draft, a long rehearsal for a show that will never play.

    -From a french Movie by the name of Amelie

    15 years ago
    1 0

Favorite Poems