Fantasy and Mystical Quotes

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  • I Wish I could wake up and still be dreaming
    Nothing in a dream can ever compare to the taunting reality i live every day

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  • Night fades slowly when your dead,
    So tighten the noose around my head,
    Brand that immage in my brain,
    As you lay me down in chains.

    by Lacie
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  • Her dark hair.
    Her pale skin.
    Blood dripping from her mouth.
    What beautiful sin.

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  • We are eternal.........
    all this pain is just an illusion....

    by SaMmE!
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  • Sometimes all you can do is pray,
    That everything will be ok..
    In the end.

    by Lacie
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  • Night is my companion and solitude my guide

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  • I see a star and it smiles at me.
    I see the moon and it winks at me.
    I see a dragon and it picks me up.
    I see a cloud and it hugs me.
    I think to myself why cant a guy be like this?
    I finally wake up and realize.
    damn it was a dream

    by Sierra
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  • Come away! O, human child!
    To the woods and waters wild,
    Witha fairy hand in hand,
    For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
    --W. B. YEATS

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  • "Fallen, but not broken"

    by Rand
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  • The phoenix is cursed with immortality. Just when it thinks that it might be over, that the end might finally be around the corner, it all goes up in flames and he is forced into it all over again. forced back into hope.

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