But it did

by Dagmar Wilson   Jan 22, 2018

I have prayed at some run down places
neighborhoods who were not safe,
layed down my head because I was tired.
Newspaper kept us warm, I'm not lying.

I had a job, never did without
once I got sick they had no use for me.
I lost everything.

It happened one sommer
the days were hot the nights long and cold,
I didn't know what alone is until then.,
could not believe this happened to me.
But it did.

That sommer woke me up
it can happen to all of us,
I will never again use the phrase
"This will not happen to me".
It sure did.


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  • 6 years ago

    by Michael

    Miss Dagmar,

    This piece shows that we can take things for granted, and that until something happens to us in our lives, is then the realisation that it certainly can.
    I love the way you portray this here, and receives my nomination
    Much warmth to you lady.
    Michael :)x

    • 6 years ago

      by Dagmar Wilson

      Thank you Michael that is sweet of you. It actually happend a few years back and I don't wish that on anybody. It was terrifying.

  • 6 years ago

    by ddavidd

    Dear Dagmar your poems becoming so therapeutic.

    • 6 years ago

      by Dagmar Wilson

      Thank you someone else told me as well.

  • 6 years ago

    by Scott Cole

    Life can be tough sometimes but how we react says a lot about us we can either give up or rise up. Sounds like you chose the later good for you. God Bless!!!!

    • 6 years ago

      by Dagmar Wilson

      Thank you and yes I learned not to give up hope.

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