Quotes About Death

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  • I often wonder if suicide is the coward's way out of somewhere he doesn't belong or a hero's way into somewhere he does.

    by Glenn G
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  • "I'm scared to die, but I'm tired of living."

    by Sami
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  • If you fantasize about your funeral, I understand, I've been there before. If there's more importance in the music played than who'd attend, we are the same. With heads to the ground, as I'm lowered down, there will be a chorus: an overwhelming sound.

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  • If death is the ultimate finale then is there such thing as a happy ending?

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  • I cant tell the difference anymore
    is living a choice or a chore??...

    by Angel
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  • Its too cold outside, for angels to fly.

    by Peyton
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  • Why does heaven forgive those who have hurted others and don't have any regrets in their eyes yet hell takes the souls that haven't done nothing wrong and have sadness and tears coming down from their eyes

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  • "The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on for so long."

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  • The worst feeling is not death,
    It is knowing that you aren't needed,
    That you are alone in this world,
    and that you no longer have a reason to live.

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  • I Don't need no more angels in my outfield... I need some angels standing here next to me on earth

    by susan
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