Other Dark Quotes

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  • Depression feels like home and happiness is just a place to visit.

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  • The pain inside will never die and i dont no why but i enjoy the feeling left inside

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  • This is just a paper cut and it will scab over, just you wait. But the cuts that I'll shortly be dealing out, are gonna give you something to cry about.

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  • The only beauty I have seen is in death and darkness...

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  • When your struck down by love
    rebuild with darkness

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  • They hate us. We are the outcasts, the loners, the aloof. We're those who stand still when they threaten us, and those who run when there's calm. We are the abhored, the fascinating, the useless. We are the discarded.

    by Rae
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  • Trust is a killer word.
    A famous word for liars.

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  • Take this rope
    and sweep me off my feet
    dry up all my hope
    death is something sweet

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  • & in your silent memory, i remembered your face and the joy it brought my heart.

    by lillie
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    by cherish
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