Mellow Dreams - Kyrielle Sonnet

by Lonely Rider   Jan 30, 2012

Soaring among the mellow dreams,
in shades of pink and red they gleam,
where sky meets the resplendent sea,
From dawn to dusk I think of thee.

My heart skips at that charming grin,
Whispering till the sun peeps in,
chasing glimmering destiny,
From dawn to dusk I think of thee.

Holding delicate wreaths of love,
wrapped in calm of billows above,
shadows of darkest nights they flee,
From dawn to dusk I think of thee.

Soaring among the mellow dreams,
From dawn to dusk I think of thee.

**A Kyrielle Sonnet consists of 14 lines (three rhyming quatrain stanzas and a non-rhyming couplet).
Just like the traditional Kyrielle poem, the Kyrielle Sonnet also has a repeating line or phrase as a
refrain (usually appearing as the last line of each stanza). Each line within the Kyrielle Sonnet
consists of only eight syllables. French poetry forms have a tendency to link back to the beginning
of the poem, so common practice is to use the first and last line of the first quatrain as the ending
couplet. This would also re-enforce the refrain within the poem. Therefore, a good rhyming scheme
for a Kyrielle Sonnet would be:

AabB, ccbB, ddbB, AB -or- AbaB, cbcB, dbdB, AB.


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  • 12 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    One of the beautiful poem i came across for a long long time.

    The flow of this form along with your words is just a lethal combination...loved it :)

    My heart skips at that charming grin,
    Whispering till the sun peeps in,
    chasing glimmering destiny,
    From dawn to dusk I think of thee.

  • 12 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    I love this form and I like the flow of this write from start to finish. The reader can feel the warmth and love that blossoms in the writer's heart..enjoyed the read :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    I just love 'thee' everytime I say it. It feels so romantic, so heartfelt and so pure. I don't know...

    well, let's not forget the crux of your poem,,, it's leaking with floral imagery and melodious tunes.

    Penned :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Lioness

    Oh how beautiful is this poem!

    I am really enjoying formed poetry right now and I think you have done well with this one!

    The images are gorgeous and so well written. I smiled while reading this and it just felt like sunshine to me!


  • 12 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    "Soaring among the mellow dreams,
    From dawn to dusk I think of thee."

    the most beautiful lines. You poem was fantastic, the imagery brilliant. I have written this form but was never fond of it till now. Beautiful Raj