An ode to the rain.

by Poet on the Piano   Apr 8, 2020

I'm not quite as restless as the
last rainfall. Though some may
say you're too aggressive to be
a companion, I find depth in
your roaring tones - a melody
in the gutters, gaining
independence, traction.
I'm at ease with how you
expose your wounds, never
undermining the anger, the
sacrifice, the forgiveness.

You've taught me to be soft,
but also to be unapologetic.
When my lungs are lit with
lightning, I understand why
breathing is often a thunderous


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  • 4 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    This is probably my favourite from you, MA. I must say, I am jealous of those last four lines. Wonderful win.

    All the best as ever

  • 4 years ago

    by Michael


    what a wonderful way of describing the rain as you hear it from a your perspective. I love the sound of rain, especially if camping or an old tin-roof. The rain has so much energy and emotion, some prefer it not to be raining, but then we all are alive from this amazing source.
    Nicely penned, hope you are well, M :)

  • 4 years ago

    by Tony Grannell

    Hello Poet on the Piano,

    The wonder of this poem is how you have become one with the rain. From the melodious, the forgiving rain to the burning lungs and the thunderous temper of a rainstorm. The reader, too, is of the rain so beliving your understanding of this natural force in all its moods and the language you use to portray it.
    Truly excellent.

    Kind regards, Tony.

  • 4 years ago

    by prasanna

    "You've taught me to be soft,
    but also to be unapologetic.
    When my lungs are lit with
    lightning, I understand why
    breathing is often a thunderous

    Highlighting this part because I want you to read it again because it's wonderfully written!

  • 4 years ago

    by Sunshine


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