
by Xaque   Apr 10, 2022

If I could somehow be just
a little less harmful/

Maybe make a few people happy
by simply existing,
like a pet turtle/

Or, become a valuable and credible authority
on knowledge once thought inaccessible,
like a professor/

Or, take a solemn promise
and protect people
from predators/

medical professionals can
make even
unbearable skeletal trauma

And I’m just expendable/

I feel like
a subtle chirp in this biodiverse churn
of berserk and absurd quantum-level
ephemeral chemicals
on Earth/

But sometimes,
when I want to die,
I think about how
it was from
a violent birth
that we humans evolved
and emerged/

Life is precious stuff,
and that’s the only thought that gives me
self worth/


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  • 2 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Isn't it strange how different our perceptions become when angry or sulking? Its like a switch that makes everything negative but then hopefully it isn't too long before the switch switches everyrhing back to normal again. Milly x

  • 2 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I feel like this piece is relatable to so many! When we analyze every action, or believe we are a burden or are expendable. When we just want to exist without the complicated feelings of comparing ourselves to others and measuring our worth based on what we contribute. I love how you worded a lot of this - specifically the "subtle chirp in this biodiverse" stanza. I also love the juxtaposition you present with the violence of birth, and how we grow from that, and come to reflect on how we have or haven't evolved, and mortality in and of itself. Some awesome depth in this. It also makes me think of how I consider other people, and the skills or abilities that might make me see them as almost idolized in my mind, yet I refuse to see and consider my own talents, too. It's easy to get stuck in that period of feeling useless, and it's definitely hard to get out of our own head sometimes.

    Always enjoy when you share your thoughts on here!

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