
by Synful   Aug 27, 2024

Rain caresses away the loneliness

Its droplets as soft as a lover's fingertips
Gliding over naked skin,
As halved souls reconnect
And mend the ache within.

The harmonious drumming of the water
Washes away the tears of the fallen
Only to cleanse and bring forth
A smile so devastatingly beautiful and -

A light that shines through a shattered psyche.

Serenity is given life in the form of a river,
Pooling from the storm
And I, a fool, cannot help but wonder
If she knowingly transforms -

Rather, transcends,

Into an unrelenting, incomparable, power of nature

One I wish to watch, experience, and admire
Until my last breath.

She is the storm -
But she, too, is the rain.


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  • 5 months ago

    by Silent

    The feeling is close. But a little distant.
    Might have been your plan.

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