I'm Just Barely Holding On

by A Broken Bleeding Soul   Jun 1, 2005

With every single breath I take
I let out a silent scream
I'm hoping that this life I live
Is just a really bad dream

With every single breath I take
I'm hoping this life won't last
I suffer with all my memories
I can't move on from my past

With every single cut I make
I feel I'm somewhat sane
The blood that pours out of me
Has drained away my pain

With every single cut I make
I get closer to that day
Where I won't have the strength to live
All hope will go away

With every single tear I shed
My eyes burn even more
One tear for my sweet Danielle
Who I found bleeding on my floor

With every single tear I shed
I realize my happiness is gone
No longer do I want to live
I'm just barely holding on

*Too much crap to deal with at the moment... everything is very messed up right now*

© Copyright 2005


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  • 18 years ago

    by lee

    Oh well tha's sad. but i really liked that line that said that you suffer from all your memories and that you cant move on from your past. cuz neither can I, and I thought i was crazy or something, and its cool to know that...its not just me..anyways, 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Elissa

    WOW that was beautiful! such a good poem, sad but well written. And im also sorry about how things are going right now i hope they get better
    Love always,

  • 19 years ago

    by DarkxBlood

    I think it's beautiful the way you can fit your feelings into words that make everyone feel the pain you hold in side. 5/5 i say. Luvyalotz!

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*Ley*~

    excellent you've captured pplz true feelings and displayed them expertly. you are very taltented. i hope you are alright though. hold on and stay for those around you or you might leave others the same way danielle left you, feeling completely helpless and unhappy

  • 19 years ago

    by otto

    great poem, liked everything about it, the way the worda formed to the way you painted the picture for reader to see and go through those emotions going on