
by ---AL---   Apr 27, 2007

Wings Of A Dove...

Broken, battered, and undone,
His jaded shards fell in her hand,
To cut her skin but never run,
Chose to stay and love this man.

Mended, tended and complete,
Her heart was bled to make the glue,
To make it whole and give a beat,
To his heart which broke right through.

Lost, alone and bitter cold,
She trapped herself within a room,
With only hope that she'd be told,
That she's alright and not alone.

Guided, loved and sweetly warm,
His heart took beat to hold her tight,
That same heart that she made norm,
Had swept her up and made things right.

Banded, strengthened and re-done,
Their new story has now begun.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    I hope you read her this, its wonderful.....

  • 16 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    Such a sweet poem the ending 2 lines were my all time favorite by far.

  • 17 years ago

    by Espoirfailed

    This poem was so beautiful, the last line was simply amazing. i loved the progression within this poem, also it was fluent and well penned. an excellent analogy of love.

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