Lemon Squeezy

About Lemon Squeezy

Hi names Jon, friends call me Jonny. I’m unapologetically and unashamedly a Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Many will notice I write much about Jesus and Religion. I enjoy writing poetry its a nice way to express yourself. I write only when I am inspired to do so, thats why im here, I read other's poetry and it inspires me to keep writing. So if everyone else keeps writing I will too. Well, I hope everyone enjoys my stuff, feel free to comment on or like anything. comments are good I need to know how to better myself, so please comment good or bad whatever works with me, and if u just want to talk i'd be glad to "shoot the breeze" any time.

Profile of Lemon Squeezy

  • Age : 34
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, Indiana
  • Joined : Dec 28, 2006
  • Last Visit : 1 month ago
  • Poems : 51
  • Comments : 151
  • Quotes : 9
  • Posts : 3
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Lemon Squeezy

Latest Quotes By Lemon Squeezy

  • "Every decision we make lies at the end of a road we began long before we made it: Do You want to know the future? Look at the Road on which you currently travel."

    6 years ago
    2 0
  • "Some look at the glass half full; Others see it half empty; I look at the Empty Glass and see the potential there is to Fill it full."

    12 years ago
    2 0
  • "life is all about making it through the valleys; not living in them."

    13 years ago
    3 0

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