Glenn G

About Glenn G

Life can sometimes be hectic. I have found that writing brings me pleasure. I have been writing for years and never shared very many of them with anyone until I ran across this web site. What is the point in writing if you don't share it. It doesn't really matter if my poetry is good as long as it brings me joy and happiness. My writing is inspired by life and although some of it is very dark none of it is autobiographical and all of it is fiction and should not be taken as anything other than my artistic way of expressing things both real and unreal.

Profile of Glenn G

  • Age : 60
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, Tennessee
  • Joined : Dec 30, 2011
  • Last Visit : 2 days ago
  • Poems : 309
  • Comments : 70
  • Quotes : 88
  • Posts : 19
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Glenn G

  • Still (1) 1

    A heart without love, still beats
    When ears cannot hear, there is still sound...

  • Parents (1) 2

    Parents are more than a bank.
    More than a place to unpack when the money runs...

  • I once had a dad,
    I watched, I learned...

  • I sometimes wonder what life has been about
    Maybe I'm just too old fashioned...

  • He came home from work, tired of the burdens of...
    He reached across the bed to find comfort, but she...

Latest Quotes By Glenn G

  • Finding love is like trying to grab a handful of Jello from a bowl. It will do everything it can to evade your grip, eventually you'll grab a little, but only enough to make you want more.

    1 year ago
    0 0
  • A good love is like a rash
    That you don't know where it came from
    You can cover it, medicate it
    But it just won't go away

    2 years ago
    1 0
  • There is nothing quite like being told how much you are loved for nine years, and then the next day being handed divorce papers.

    3 years ago
    1 0

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