Mortal Utopia

Profile of Mortal Utopia

  • Gender : Unspecified
  • Country : Other
  • Joined : Apr 7, 2012
  • Last Visit : 1 year ago
  • Poems : 183
  • Comments : 64
  • Quotes : 9
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Mortal Utopia

  • Reasons.
    and demons. and the things you call treason...

  • I still miss you when the rooster calls,
    Waking me up to leaves that fall...

  • hush (1) 3

    hush, for i'm praying, hush.
    more often than i should, i still pray...

  • A river of tears is a river run dry
    for we were told not to cry...

  • They say you may see ghosts
    and things invisible on Halloween...

Latest Quotes By Mortal Utopia

  • But whenever I try to speak, my words and your tears would always evaporate into the silent memories of water.

    5 years ago
    1 0
  • Sometimes, I wished I knew how to really tell you things: like how our friendship isn’t imaginary, that I’m really there … and that you’re never completely alone.

    6 years ago
    3 0
  • To be by your side for so much (and yet so little) of eternity - it really was as beautiful as it seemed.

    6 years ago
    4 0