
About Katrynn

tired and sad but at least i'm alive i guess

Profile of Katrynn

  • Age : 20
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Arizona
  • Joined : Jun 16, 2021
  • Last Visit : 1 year ago
  • Poems : 23
  • Comments : 43
  • Quotes : 1
  • Posts : 1
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Katrynn

  • TW: sh!!
    Please don't read if you're triggered by su1cide...

  • I was healing
    17 days clean...

  • Why? 2

    Why is someone else's death repulsive
    But my own appealing...

  • When I woke up this morning
    I didn't feel nothing...

  • When where you were before
    Isn't where you are now...

Latest Quotes By Katrynn

  • Sometimes the prettiest smile hides the deepest pain.

    **Not my quote but to post I have to say so that it's mine and I really love this quote haha

    3 years ago
    3 0

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