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  • Reading poetry doesn't just take you on journey, it brings your heart to place you never knew existed.

    5 0
  • Only my fellow poets
    Could ever understand the pain I go through
    Because they been through it too.

    by Aubrey
    2 0
  • If your ex texts you saying 'I miss you' that means the other person they tried to replace you with failed.

    3 1
  • Strength isn't always determined by the weight on your shoulders, but on how you are able to let go

    3 0
  • Trust is like an eraser...
    It gets smaller after rubbing out
    a magnitude of mistakes.

    3 0
  • She's stubborn, insecure, and gets jealous. she texts him to see how he's doing. she's clingy at times and picks fights with him. she's no way near perfect. but throughout all those things she cares and is crazy in love with him. <3


    3 0
  • We engage in laughter till our sadness becomes voiceless, but it's still there, banging at the walls of our hearts, tearing at that fabric called love.

    4 0
  • I will never apologize for being me. You should apologize for expecting me to be anything else.

    7 0
  • You became my everything and maybe that was my mistake. Making you more important than my own self.

    by Ash
    3 0
  • If any word in the dictionary should have no definition, it should be the word "love". Cause how can one person create a meaning of something that we all define and feel differently

    by Tamon G
    1 0