Inspirational Quotes

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  • embellish your soul
    with the power
    of wisdom

    by Gracy Judith (GJ)

    4 0
  • When life's too big, take a moment to concentrate on the small. Close your eyes:
    - bird song
    - aromas
    - textures
    - breaths

    Inner calm is with you, always.

    4 0
  • Some people act as an anchor in your life.
    They will keep you steady or pull you under.

    Get rid of them!

    4 0
  • Life is like a cell phone if you delete all the bad and negative stuff from them - they both will run alot smoother for you.

    4 0
  • Life often takes more than it gives. But it can reward you for your struggles and heartbreak with some of the most beautiful things. Or sometimes it just hurts and there are lessons to be learned.

    by Kate
    3 0
  • Scraped knees lead to tougher skin. Bleeding is not a sign of weakness, just that you are human. Not invincible but incredibly resilient even if the healing process is slow.

    by Kate
    3 0
  • When something bad happens kick it out of the way like a soccer ball/football.

    by Jack
    3 0
  • It takes more effort to do the wrong thing than it does to do the right thing

    3 1
  • "The best stories are those where the end is not apparent from where it begins. Revel in unpredictability, embrace ambiguity, be patient with uncertainly, and forgive freely. This is your chance. This is your journey. Don't give it up to fear."

    3 0
  • Has God created us or is it the other way around?

    3 0