Tell Me How

by Robert   Sep 1, 2004

Tell how can I find faith in the Lord,
for it’s a being I can never hold.
Tell me with what eyes do I use,
to see the image that I often loose.
When I pray is it to just the air,
or does he even care.
People speak of his high deeds,
and I see his seeds.
In the eyes of those who walk by,
and I only ask why.
Where is the love I am suppose to feel,
and how can it be my thrill.
I ask a priest, a pasture or one of the flock,
but I still remain in block.
Maybe if I read the good book,
and understand why it was Jesus they took.
The reason behind it all,
was so that we will not fall.
It was the love that god gave,
so that all man will not be hell’s slave.

Written By
Robert Lee Niswander
Copyright 2004

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  • 16 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    Fantasitc, short but really got me capture the moment and anylise deep xxx alex xx

  • 16 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    "suppose to feel,
    and how can it be my thrill."

    ^^I was thrown of by those lines. No matter how you pronounce them, feel and thrill don't really rhyme.

    I wasn't to keen on this one actually.
    It just felt like something was you were holding back or something.

    It's not terrible, but you've certainly done better.

  • 16 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    All in all this is good poem.
    You should correct a few copy/ paste mistakes in it.
    I don't like the topics closely related to religion but you did very good job here, asking some important question through the piece.

  • 16 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    Unlinke your previous two poems, i like this poems structure. i love the rhyming coupletys used and the flow was absoloutley brilliant. The first two lines you instantly tell us what your beliefs are. A good introduction to the poem. Then you go to question beliefs that people do. The messgae your saying is displayed quite strongly in thie read. Then you turn what the poem is syaing around. You say what you believe. It seems like your questioning it, then going to it. It reflects something that many people do. Question there religion and then when learning more they go back to it becuasethey believe its right. A good read. Message displayed strongly. Try using a more vaired punctuation. Keep it up though. xx

  • 17 years ago

    by kelsi

    I love love love this poem.

    Gods love is stronger than everything.

    keep the Faith

    much love, kelsi