
About Marta

I'm Marta. I'm 16 and poetry is one of my passions. I am currently struggling with an eating disorder, anorexia, for about 4 complete years. I currently recovered from depression and I'm learning about life. I'm a kickboxer, piano player, and a writer. Hope you enjoy my work!

Profile of Marta

  • Age : 16
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Canada
  • Joined : Nov 12, 2003
  • Last Visit : 20 years ago
  • Poems : 111
  • Comments : 212
  • Quotes : 14
  • Posts : 78
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Marta

  • Back in the day
    When all was gloom...

  • Gazing over a cloudless sky so blue,
    With only racing thoughts of you...

  • Dedicated to Paul, one of my friends who was...
    A heart so big...

  • I like to sing
    I like to play...

  • Friday November 11th 2005, I payed a visit to...
    Rest in Peace Karena...

Latest Quotes By Marta

  • So please forgive me for what I have done, cause we all get tired, I mean eventually, there's nothing left to do but sleep.

    19 years ago
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  • They're just lies, ignore them..-I'll swallow your breath into my heart you'll fall, always to be remembered.

    20 years ago
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  • When my time comes, I want to be buried face down...So that everyone who hates me, can kiss my ass!

    20 years ago
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