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  • Having the right to do anything and everything doesn't mean you have to do anything and everything.

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  • Recognizing one's lack of knowledge is the first step towards gaining knowledge.

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  • Reasoning prevails over logic when logic fails to provide sufficient reasoning.

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  • It is prudent to avoid foolishness, but unwise to lack wisdom.

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  • It is prudent to avoid foolishness, but unwise to lack wisdom.

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  • It is prudent to avoid foolishness, but unwise to lack wisdom.

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  • of what good is relying on the past if it stops us from having a future.

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  • You are the light of my heart

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  • Let it happen if it will then it will be the sweetest thing; If left unspoken then it's rather a bittersweet memory.

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  • Let the love rain....

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