Quotes About Depression

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  • It despairs one to have eyes that couldn't help but scrutinize the ghastly phantoms of life.

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  • A friend asked me if I despise him after finding out that he sells food; I told him I respect him even more.

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  • I was open and honest about everything and everyone laughed, yelled, or didn't listen, that's why silence makes you uncomfortable

    by Rayven
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  • Enjoy the bottom because you are about to rise up!

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  • When you jump out of a plane, some people might think you are suicidal yet you are just skydiving.

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  • The reason why am not afraid of criticism is because it is just a negative terminal; praises make up your positive terminal.

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  • Reality is not what happens to you, but how you react to whatever happens to you.

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  • Without JESUS, no Heaven!

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  • Write down on paper every bad thing said about you; then shred the paper to pieces!

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  • Leave.
    They aren't worth it.
    You've worked too hard for the little change you got but it's still always short-
    A life they wanted for too long.
    Put yourself first for once, you never needed any support.

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