Dark Quotes

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  • Yes I am full of Rage, for the way everything has played out
    I am mad as Hell for the way I have been done,
    when all I have ever done was Love and care from deep within my Heart,

    3 0
  • No matter how much you think you love somebody, you'll step back when the pool of their blood edges up too close.

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  • One misjudgement can change the ebb and flow of your life, now I am drowning in my mistake and no life guards are around to save me from myself.

    by Azrael
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  • In my lonely solitude emotions collide in a haze of confusion as if I am in a brain fog
    with no thoughts of my own anymore.

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  • Where does goodness hide when evil takes over

    by Azrael
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  • I cry less
    i bleed no more
    May the heavens forgive ur soul cause i certainly won't!

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  • Only You have the power to rid yourself of the demons inside your mind.

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  • You, my teacher, have tried to teach me a valuable lesson... "trust no one".

    I asked a question, like any good student would... "even you?"

    surprisingly, you had no answer

    by cierra
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  • It's really pathetic when you're still so callowed and your acumen is only heel deep. Then again, I'm hardly bothered by your insignificant existence. It's only an eyesore, an infestation. correction: a parasite.

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  • "Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming,
    Of angels on the moon,
    Where everyone you know,
    Never leaves too soon.."

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