Funny Quotes About Life

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  • "Hit me with your best shot... Grandma!"

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  • “In the beginning there was nothing. God said, ‘Let there be light!’ And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.”
    -Ellen Degeneress

    by Debra
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  • When god created man he gave him two heads but only enough blood to use one at a time.

    Some else came up with this.

    by Michael
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  • If life starts to get you down, don't let it, because it's going to be a pain in the arse to stand back up.

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  • Star light
    Star bright
    where the hell is Mr. Right

    by Kalyn
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  • Guys listen up

    When a girl says nothing is wrong...
    That means everything is wrong-
    When a girl says everything is wrong...
    Everything is wrong-
    When a girl says don't laugh...
    Trust me don't laugh

    by Nikolle
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  • We all have this STD and its called life, a 100% chance of death

    by 2die4
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  • 'to guys, girls are like toys, play with them, break them, then throw them away and get a new 1.'

    by Cheri
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  • Humans are like teabags
    they dont know there stregth
    untill there put in hot water

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  • *"* People suck so be different and blow *"*

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