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  • And that's when I know it's over. As soon as you start thinking about the beginning, it's the end.

    10 0
  • When I thought of giving up, I saw the bird with broken wings still being able to fly, and came to realize I have no broken part- then why shall I surrender?Perhaps even the smallest of things can go on with even the smallest they can find.:-)

    10 0
  • Despite ourselves we walk into life's fire

    9 1
  • If you cannot change, there is no future.

    9 0
  • If I could change something about myself,
    I wouldn't change anything...
    But if I can change how to manage
    I will.

    by Michael
    9 0
  • Words can cause and heal the deepest wounds

    9 0
  • There's too little Ms. Frizzle in the world.

    9 1
  • - Mom, do rich people die like us?
    - Yes, they do, sweetie. But not like us.

    9 0
  • Soldiers are like "behind the scene" people,
    we only see and applaud the results but not the
    sacrifices made by them.

    Meena Krish

    9 0
  • Depression is like a shadow; sometimes invisibly faint, sometimes so dense it smothers out all light.

    8 0