Inspirational Quotes

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  • A smile displays happiness...but can hide alot of pain :(

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  • My thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my voice.

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  • Fire:
    The ashes are the past,
    blown away by time.
    The wood is the present,
    slowly burning away.
    The fire is the drive in your heart
    For a fresh start.

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  • Been seeing people around me change so much. Even the ones I thought i knew the most, the ones that were the 'good' girls and guys, transformed into someone evil. The ugliness doesn't end here... cause I'm shameful that I am one of them.


    by Su
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  • Life flows into the chances you give it.

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  • Sometimes we don't deserve certain things and certain people,but most of the time its certain people and certain things that don't deserve us.

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  • Today was the day that I realized that I meen nothing to u

    N knowing that, I realized that I know now that I couldn't give a f**k about u anymore

    by Rihanna
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  • How do I say goodbye to someone I never really had? Why do my tears fall so endlessly for someone who was never really mine? Why is it I miss someone I was never really with? And why do I love someone whose love was never really mine?

    by Rihanna
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  • "Just because you can,doesn't mean you should."

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  • One thing is certain, we will never fail if we always get back up. No one can stop us if we don't give up on ourselves...

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