The Darker Zodiac

by Robert   Feb 5, 2005

In dark places I dwell,
places where others think is hell.
I can be both, guest or host,
but I am the being that you need to avoid the most.
Just like the frog in the pond would agree,
you must be care what packed you make with me.
My tail with bite and send you in a daze,
I will begin to eat you when you’re still in a hazy.
Hidden is our power and determination,
for by all right we are built with our own salvation.
Armed and small we can inflict pain if we must,
but we would rather sun bath on the hot Earth’s crust.
Pinchers to defend and a stinger to kill,
we cannot be deterred because we have the greatest of will.
We are the best to have on your side to take it all,
but cross us, and you will never see the end to your fall.
Like I said right from the start,
we are a cold being determined but if angered have no heart.
Be weary of us by making us friend or for,
because listen we venture where most people will never go.
Branded by birth a Scorpio I have come to be,
but the question is would you really like to see who is me?

Written By
Robert Lee Niswander
Copyright 2005


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  • 19 years ago

    by ** JeNa **

    another great poem, ur an awsome writer, i hope toi read more of ur work soon, great job!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda

    Your work amazes me! Really! U write about so many different unique things. :)

  • 19 years ago

    by NoPatience

    u miss spelled a word.. u put for in place of foe* at least i think its suposed to be that way. if im wrong so shoot me lol but a really good poem 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by chloe

    that was brilliant! really well written 5!

  • 19 years ago

    by Carmen

    wow, that was really awesome. 5/5 i do think you should revise it, though. i think you misspelled some words in there