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  • A writer not only writes what the writer feels but the writer can also feel what the writer writes

    8 0
  • Being in love is like playing with fire you always get burned

    by TheMask
    8 0
  • Must keep my eyes open, can't fall asleep yet, I'm widely wake, but for how long?

    5 0
  • This Ink we share is thicker then the blood we don't.

    by Brookie
    19 0
  • The simpler writes i find here are much more to my fancy, you're always easier to find in them.

    by Brookie
    3 0
  • There's too little Ms. Frizzle in the world.

    9 1
  • Maybe finding someone to share everything with is not the point.
    Maybe the point is to feel fulfilled in the self-consciousness of individuality.

    10 0
  • 'The clever cat eats cheese and breathes down rat holes with baited breath'

    - W.C. Fields

    4 0
  • Darkness doesn't come in, it's the light that abandons us.

    15 0
  • And that's when I know it's over. As soon as you start thinking about the beginning, it's the end.

    11 0