Funny Quotes

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  • Losing your virginity is a lot like Fable II: It starts off strange, but it gets easier real fast. Before you know it, it's over! And then you can do what ever the hell you want.

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  • Guy: my dad loves his bike more than me
    guy2: thats not true
    guy: he wrote it on my birthday card

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  • A good friend will bail you out of jail..
    A best friend will turn to you and say.."let's do it again"

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  • I don't walk into things, they are drawn to my amazingness!

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  • Girls say its not the size of the boat that counts, its the motion in the ocean... Well its pretty f**kin hard to get to England in a row boat.

    by Punkin
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  • Has already met Mr Player, Mr Bullshiter, Mr f**kabout, Mr Jealous, Mr Slag, Mr 'Issue', Mr Stress, Mr 'I think with my knob' so is Mr Right next? Doubt it

    by Punkin
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  • Thinks procrastination is a lot like masturbation... At first it seems like a really fun idea, but in the end you realize that you're just f**king yourself

    by Punkin
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  • "say hello to my little friend."

    "I'd rather not..."

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  • I'm smiling because you're my sister..
    I'm laughing because theirs nothing you can do about it >:P

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  • I didn't trip, I was just testing gravity.
    ...It still works

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