Poems by BeautifulxMess

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  • She can't see you when you walk by,
    And see you wanting her so bad it hurts...

  • I wish I could give you everything in this world.
    You deserve more than what I've given to you...

  • Why do I try when I know I can't?
    Why do I make my life so great when I feel like an...

  • Like a dream, it's a place that you can't forget.
    The wind blowing through your face and hair...

  • Tonight was just like a movie.
    It was perfect as can ever be...

  • Lips gliding along another.
    Bodies caress into a fantasy...

  • I'll never be good enough
    no matter how hard I try...

  • Walking in the moonlit night with you.
    Gazing into your precious freckled face...

  • He always makes sure I'm OK.
    He never lets my heart fade away...

  • I want to embrace within your heart;
    I want to abide there for always...

  • When you look at another girl
    I hope you're thinking I'm better...

  • You always want me to help you out.
    As if I'm your backlash little friend...