Other Funny Quotes

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  • Apple was considering making an iPod for kids but apparently, the name 'iTouch Kids' didn't sit too well.

    2 0
  • You know you're bored when You Google yourself

    1 0
  • Notes to self only work if you remember to read them.

    0 0
  • So you're so straight eh? so is spaghetti till you heat it up ;)

    1 0
  • Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

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  • Friend at house: Hey you have a bathroom?
    Me: Noooooo, we shit outside.

    by Luna
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  • Twinkle, twinkle,
    little s!*t.
    Name one guy
    you haven't f&&&ed.

    1 0
  • Instead of "lol", try "lsimhbiwfefmtalol". Laughing silently in my head because it wasn't funny enough for me to actually laugh out loud.

    by fuzzy
    0 0
  • I only drink on days that start with a T; Tuesday, Thursday, today, tonight, and tomorrow.

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  • Gr8 news every1! The world is NT going 2 end in 2012. I just found a Can in the cupboard dat has a 2014 exp date :) lol

    by Rose
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