Quotes About Life

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  • Sometimes the bridges in our lives crumble so that we may learn to cross the river by our own strengths and not by the labour of others.

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  • In life you don't get the people you want.
    You get the people you need;
    To teach you,
    To hurt you,
    To love you,
    To make you laugh,
    && To make you exactly the person you should be.

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  • The difference between school && life??
    In school, you're taught a lesson && then given a test.
    In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.

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  • Suicide is and escape,not an answer

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  • Rather than being famous in people's eyes, I would prefer to be recognized in God's sight instead.

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  • Person should look to four directions
    Looking back to see from where he came
    Looking forward to see where he goes to
    Look to the side to see who supports him
    And look up to remember that there is someone
    that always there for him....

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  • Even if you fix something that you broke
    There will always be cracks that
    remind you what you did ...

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  • The difference between school and life??? In school, ur taught a lesson n then given a test. In life, ur given a test that teaches u a lesson.

    **saw it on my friends profile. no copyright intended

    by Mike
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  • Shit happens and you either move on, or you let it devour your life...

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  • "Get on fire for God, and people will come to watch you burn."- John Wesley

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