the gallows

by prasanna   Jun 13, 2020

predator by name; you knew exactly where to
lurk. methodological; brazen in approach,
you knew we would be vaulted by shame.
you thought of yourself as the prince, word is
law. i've seen you in glimpses of nightmares,
and the shards come together, and i see you,
in whole, in daylight – a monster. i remember
the tidbits of philosophy you’d share as i grew
up – chewing on them, as if they had substance
to it, but eventually i grew up. and you didn’t.
you stewed in your hurt, believing it to be a
casus belli, and took it upon to try and bury
the innocent parts of us alive. i think about
traumatized we’ve become – how we’re ready
to stand up to you, but you sow other lands.
not out of reform, but out of fear, you know
that we know. you're still brazen to show
your face around here, lurking in the
shadows for the most part. i pray the day
comes, we’ll congregate one last time
to see you at the gallows.


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  • 4 years ago

    by Star

    This is such a personal piece, and I could tell it is connected two of your poems.
    And I agree with Rania, this is on another level. Your word choice is really impactful, the first this I sat staring at the screen, speechless. I didnt know how to comment. I cant imagine the memory that created this.
    Your poetry lately is really powerful!!!

  • 4 years ago

    by Everlasting

    Weird. Someone came to mind after reading this eight times. Needless to say, your words caught me.

  • 4 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Wow. This is on another level Mark. Splendid writing! It's very touching. I can't grasp the real scenario behind it but many lines resonated with me with my own analysis and really touched my heart or in better words stirred some unpleasant memories about some hurtful people whom I've had in my life.

    The wording is so sharp and just deeeeep. I am blown away.

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