Sad Quotes

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  • The saddest tears are the driest ones seen in the bravest smile.

    80 1
  • Don't tell one who writes of grief to rethink their "I" statements. When you know they had tears on their hands as they wrote, don't say the poem could be better. You might as well say their grief could be worse.

    54 2
  • If someone shares a poem with you that is meant to help close an open wound, they don't want your opinion. They want your hand on their shoulder, gripping it tight.

    49 4
  • When depression was the sky, you taught me how to fly.

    by Tessa
    48 1
  • And that's when I know it's over. As soon as you start thinking about the beginning, it's the end.

    10 0
  • Don't judge me. You have NO idea what I'm going through.

    8 0
  • "Insensibility"
    That moment when you realize you have lost him twice -A lover and a best friend.

    by Meme
    5 0
  • Words mean NOTHING.

    3 1
  • My world just died.

    4 0
  • The pain of losing you is too much.

    4 0