Friendship Quotes

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  • Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

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  • A friendly smile is the best weapon of war to fight with....

    By:- afzal shauq

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  • You're one of the most beautiful people. Here in this world. Don't cry over him, cause he doesn't know what you're worth.

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  • You can always tell when two people are best friends because they're always having way more fun than it makes sense for them to be having.

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  • Mom Just Stared And Stared At Me And My Brothers And Sister As If She Was Memorizing Our Faces. And Then She Closed Her Eyes For The Last Time.

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  • Trust is like a mirror.
    You can fix it if it's broken,
    but you can still see through the crack.

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  • The stage laid before me, was bare,
    Players flocked to fill the spaces,
    But I, the maker of my destiny,
    Chose you bunch of dysfunctional lunatics to play my friends...

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  • You don't see what your doing to me. You don't understand how much this is breaking me, how its tearing me apart. Your hate for them just hurts me so much and i just wish you would relize it.

    by Jeni
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  • A true friend, is someone who is willing to fall down a million stairs, just to make you smile.

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  • Waking to a new day but there's nothing good to think about,
    As the shrouded pieces of my soul diminish without,
    A single trace to try and amend,
    Each and every mistake that marked the end.

    by Ash
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