Sad Quotes

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  • "I cannot be lost, Because I've never been found"

    2 0
  • You are beautiful but your soul is empty.
    You are in love, but the butterflies are dead.
    You can run, but your feet are way too weak,
    You are breathing, but you're only alive inside your head.

    by Maria
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  • I see beauty in destruction; Perfection in corruption.

    by Mushh
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  • I'm tired of being me.

    by werty
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  • Life is a river , one day you will drown .

    by Jessica
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  • Pain has no warning sign, it just enters and escapes leaving a gaping hole...

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  • When you gave up on me, I gave up on me too.

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  • Don't let my smile fool you;
    Faking a smile comes so naturally to me, because it's just like breathing...

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  • If you really did love me, you would have stayed with me, no matter how hard it was being by my side.

    by Maria
    1 0
  • Everything i touch dies.
    Everything i speak to lies.
    Everything i see leaves.
    O, way is this happening to me.

    by Omar
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