Funny Poems About Society

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  • My Dream (3)

    by Lizzy

    Have you ever wonder what people say about you.
    I so do I hate when someone looks at you and you...

  • Why????? (3)

    by Kelli

    Ok everyone, this isnt a poem but i need your...
    heres what ive noticed: ok when a guy cheats on a...

  • Shut down (4)

    by hi it zonna dont like me stand in line

    Man: if i saw you naked i will die happy
    woman:if i saw you naked i will die laughing...

  • White Trash ® (5)

    by Sarah

    You came to this world like us all.
    With the exception of being born in a stall...

  • Dicey (5)

    by foxy cleopatra

    There once was a girl called Dicey,
    Who spent her time getting slicey...

  • As I was out a`walking
    down some crooked road...

  • Ladies and gentlemen (3)

    by ♥broken fairytales♥

    Ladies and gentleman
    I come before you...

  • The passion for the city
    we are on the edge of night...

  • Plums! (5)

    by juss an allycat

    My teacher gave me a poem about plums
    to learn off by heart...

  • Mall (4)

    by PS

    So i went to the mall today
    and let me tell you what i saw...

  • George Bush, George Bush
    Do u know who I am...

  • I stare at you
    You stare at me...