Poems About Being Best Friends

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  • My Friend (3)

    by Beautiful Chaos

    I cried, but you weren't there,
    Not there to hold...

  • Aly (3)

    by Mister 47

    One of the most and great person you can find
    What will interest you most is surely her mind...

  • A Friend Indeed (3)

    by Grandpoet

    Just when tears are about
    to flow from your eyes...

  • To My Girls (3)

    by Curing the Comon Cliche

    You keep going to the bathroom
    Saying you'll be right back...

  • A friend (2)

    by tashie bear

    A tissue when you can not stop crying
    A shoulder when you feel like dying...

  • Don't fear I am here (7) 3

    by waiting 4 some1

    Dear my best friend I have a message for you
    Just one thing you need to know and one thing to...

  • Friends Eternal (1)

    by |w h i s p e r s inthe D a R k|

    You're a true friend,
    that I want you to know...

  • Sam (3)

    by Whisper

    Wow, aren't you amazing?
    From you I've learned so much...

  • Sarah (3)

    by Domino0792

    This is a poem that goes out for my girl.
    This is a poem that makes love unfurl...

  • Fantasy worlds with magic tales
    Pretending we were someone else...

  • You Can't Save the World Alone (3)

    by bleed4eternity

    You can't be everyone's superman
    You can't save the world...

  • Best friends forever (1)

    by ray ray

    Although it's quite a statement
    Well, it happens to be true...