Friendship Quotes

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  • I may not be in love but I have butterflies and I like you alot, you take over my thoughts and every moment I spend with you is intense and I miss you all so much more when you are away

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  • When ever I feel alone I look to my friends and find home

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  • A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world. ~Leo Buscaglia

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  • A person who truly loves you is someone
    Who sees the pain in your eyes,

    While everyone else still believes in
    The smile on your face.

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  • "A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself."
    ~unknown source

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  • People need to accept me for who I am. A good person with good intentions. If they don't get that then there missing out on a good friend. I am good friend who will always be there for anyone who needs me.

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  • Friends come and go, but true friends leave footprints in your heart:)

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  • If someone knows you very well even in your silence and know every non verbal clue and try to repossess your every moves without telling a word to you is the best friend ever....

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  • I want a friend who won't give up on me. I want someone who will accept me for who I am, with my flaws and imperfections. Someone who doesn't care to just how bad-looking I am on the outside, but who actually see how beautiful I can be inside.

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  • The mark of a best friend is not that they never hurt you. It's that even if they do, your friendship survives. And you are able to forgive and forget; and strengthen the bond you created.

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