Friendship Quotes

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  • I'll never be perfect, you just have to accept the fact that I am who I am.

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  • I chose to entrench myself in my own Identity. I'm not perfect, I am ridiculous and sometimes hilarious in some of my behavior. But this is me. In particular, I don't let people limit my horizon, the hell I care about someone's opinion.

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  • If you are really looking for an authentic friendship, look at your eyes
    in the mirror and ask yourself: "do you see it?"

    Because all a friend really is, is a mirror.

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  • Don't walk in front of me I will not follow. Don't walk behind me I will not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

    by Aearion
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  • If Nature can heal those wounds and paint their scarred canvas into a broad smile, will plant more trees.

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  • It's not about what you say, it's about what you feel is right.

    by Jack
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  • Be the better version of you while they are still around 'cause no one will ever recognize those if they leave and learn to forget you

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  • One might describe my life thus far as 'Stage 3'

    by Mark
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  • Atleast have a friend to share all your sadness and happiness with. Good for your heart and health, Good for your life.

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  • Family is not always blood, and, blood is not always family.

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