Love Poems Using Slang Words

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  • When Peter Met Stacey (10)

    by Kevin McNulty

    (True story of an ugly,smelly man at work who was...
    Nobody could believe they were to be married...

  • Grace Of Our Ages (9) 7 HM

    by William Mae

    Some say my dear, our lives first appeared...
    That we were two cells, ebbing in goo, where the...

  • Aint Love Grand (9)

    by Daisy if you do

    Her Momma passed in childbirth
    when she was just thirteen...

  • The commitment! (9)


    The love between us has reached the limit of sky,
    its not just love, its an unbreakable tie...

  • It was just another arguement, just another night
    Every week it was a stuggle, his always wanted to...

  • Black heart (9)

    by ~Britty~Nloveღ

    Might be long but plez read
    I toss and turn cant sleep at night...

  • Te Amo y Te Odio (9)

    by Chiquitita

    Te amo porque tú fuiste
    El que me enseñó que el...

  • The laughs on you (9)

    by xUnbreakablex

    What is your problem?
    Do you think I don’t care...

  • Falling for you (9)

    by Psychotic Heart

    Heres a poem about Cyber's to an awesome...
    I sit here hoping you'll become reality. Someone I...

  • Zach's 21 Days (9)

    by Carlee Ann

    **This is long, but it's about my best buddy's...
    As I cut deep into my skin...

  • The Greatest Thing (9)

    by Heather M Craig

    Dedicated to Chris Bright
    When i first met you that day in class...

  • True feelings (9)

    by her diary is sick of hearing his name

    I hate the way you love me
    I despise the fact you care...