Poems About Broken Friendship

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  • The Death of a Friendship (17) 12

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    All ten years of our friendship
    --of blood and sweat and tears poured in...

  • Crabs (23) 11 WIN

    by silvershoes

    It was a decade ago at the bay of youth.
    We ventured to salty waters on stony shores...

  • Thing unsaid (7) 8

    by Night

    Maybe we're too young to remember
    when our friendship started...

  • One-Way Street (14) 8

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    I can't solve all your problems
    I can barely cope with mine...

  • Same Name (3) 7 WIN

    by Stephanie

    You can burn me, use me, cut me down to size,
    But that won't make me less than what I already am...

  • When it came (4) 6

    by Mortal Utopia

    It came,
    hushed and shy...

  • Ghosted by a friend (13) 6

    by deeplydesturbed

    Today I realised its happened.
    You’ll never message me back...

  • Beware the Snake in the Grass (7) 6

    by Alex Penuelas

    He's the kind of person
    who would play the victim...

  • Adrift 5

    by Skyfire

    The hole in your heart
    where the moon once lived...

  • Shitty Poetry (6) 5

    by Kate

    It feels like ages since we’ve talked
    But I can still see your smile in my head...

  • Fade to Blue - Lost in the Sky (7) 5 HM

    by Larry Chamberlin

    You never walked out on me
    stayed in the very next room...

  • I was walking all alone,
    But in the faintest glimmer...