"I Love You" Poems

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  • To Belong 1

    by ddavidd

    I am from an ocean beyond your eyes,
    _ that is why your eyes are beckoning me...

  • I was thirsty
    like the smelted sands of deserts...

  • Her Warm Embrace

    by DavidPCarroll

    Whenever we're together
    I'm so in love with you...

  • I'm not the same person,
    since you left...

  • Grateful

    by Impossible Girl

    We are beyond love
    Beyond the butterflies...

  • When Love Sets Sail (2) 1

    by Walter

    I feel that our love
    Is like a boat with its sail...

  • Unexpected Encounter

    by Heartstring

    I was resigned to life,
    We need to live it, breathe it, and carry on...

  • Warming Moments 1

    by Walter

    I don't always tell you
    As there's other ways we speak...

  • My Vows To You (2) 2

    by Eddie Hoyte

    I will always point out the most beautiful girls...
    You will wake up everyday, knowing you're the most...

  • Happy Mothers Day 2

    by Stephen

    Hopefully today is as special to you
    As you are to those blessed with your presence...

  • Charlotte Rose (1) 3 HM

    by Stephen

    Charlotte, baby girl, I know you're probably...
    Questioning why both your parents aren't together...

  • This 2

    by Impossible Girl

    Can you feel
    The constant pull...